Showcase of Recursive Process

Big Data Project

The significant writing project was selected to demonstrate the recursive writing process effectively. There are clear differences between the first draft and the final draft of the big data paper. My ability to engage in both global and local revision has improved significantly since the beginning. At the beginning, I generally liked my first draft and made little changes for the final draft. Now, I know there is room for improvement and I am able to notice certain things to change beforehand and also take and apply others recommendations for the paper. The big data paper demonstrates these local and global revisions. I demonstrate local revision in the first paragraph as I combined two sentences from “There may be some issues” to “save other people” in order to make one sentence that makes sense instead of two sentences that kind of go together. This was done to improve the sentence structure. I also made additional changes with certain words like making data plural and removing some there ares. I made global changes by adding content as I added an additional paragraph by obtaining information from additional sources as recommended by others. I also organized the naysayer part of the paragraph by putting the first and last thought together for the final draft as they related to each other. I also improved the framing statement for sources to give background for the sources to give credibility to them. These are all essential improvements to make my paper as strong and as well-written as possible and without them, the paper could become confusing or seem out of place.