Dweck and Sherry Active Reading


The page above is from “In Praise of the F Word” by Mary Sherry. On this page I underlined lines that I thought were important to each paragraph in the passage. The first line I underlined at the top of the page from the paragraph on the previous page was noted because those lines were the basis of the article by Sherry as students would not put in the work to learn unless something is at stake.  In the second paragraph I underlined the motivation of students and noted that they have goals in their life as their motivation to do well in school. In the third paragraph I underlined several lines and noted three things. At the beginning of the third paragraph I underlined the lines that had to do with kids not having the capability to understand the importance of learning and noted that they need a reason to learn which is fear. In the middle I underlined the issues of not learning the material and noted that they are long-term problems if students are not forced to learn the material. I finally underlined the necessity of following through on threats and giving failing grades and noted that when giving failing grades the teacher and parents have to stand behind giving that grade to the student. I underlined all these lines because they seemed like the basis and main points of the page of this article and put notes to allow myself to easily go back and find the main points of the article.

The page above is from “Ted Talk The Power of Believing that You Can Improve” by Carol Dwek. I underlined and did not add notes based on the time that was given in class. I underlined the main words at the first paragraph that shows that the reward process allows students to put more effort, be more engaged, and persevere through challenging problems. In the second paragraph I underlined lines that point to a better future for children following the “yet” or “not yet” model as they will have better futures and can be smarter. In the fourth paragraph, I underlined the points that the growth mindset allows children of any class to grow and succeed in life without doubting themselves. In the fifth paragraph, I underlined points that have to do with the method transforming the effect of effort and difficulty with students as the neurons make new connections. In the last two paragraphs, I underlined the child’s response to the new method to highlight his realization of his past and put out the main points that the children are able to grow and it should be a device for all children to obtain.

Overall, the annotation of these two pages from two different articles has shown that I prefer to underline points that I believe are to be the main points or parts of each paragraph of the passage. I always find myself underlining these points, but not always writing notes on the side depending on time.