Quoting Twenge

Jean Twenge, a psychologist who has been researching generational differences for 25 years, argues that smartphones have had a huge impact on the newest generations. Twenge claims that beliefs and behaviors gradually rise over generations, however recently the trend has changed in the newest generations. According to Twenge, “I noticed the abrupt shifts in teen behaviors and emotional states. The gentle slopes of the line graphs became steep mountains and sheer cliffs, and many of the distinctive characteristics of the Millennial generation began to disappear.” In other words, Twenge has noticed an abrupt loss of behaviors and a sudden rise in behaviors in the newest generations with the introduction of smartphones to these generations; which shows the impact of cell phones on the newest generations. I agree that smartphones have had a huge impact on the newest generations because these newest generations almost all have some sort of smartphone that they will be on frequently and connect with others all the time. Whether or not that this change is for better or worse in the generations is another question though.

One Comment

  1. loko

    Nice introduction of source and what Twenge is trying to get across. I like that you explained her quote in your own words after stating it but maybe give more of an explanation about which actions/behaviors she is analyzing here. Great job clearly stating which side of her argument you are on. I liked how you left it open ended so that you could potentially lead into a more in depth piece on the subject. I agree with what you are saying here, it is clear smartphones have an impact somehow, but I do not necessarily believe it is bad or quite as dramatic as Twenge makes it seem.

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