My Big Data

I generate data on a daily basis from what posts I like on Instagram and what I post too. My snapchats can be used as data to see what kind of things I say or do. My music and youtube videos can be collected to see what I like and what I may like. Anything I look up online can also be used as data. All this data can be used to put labels on me, good or bad is something I cannot tell. This data can help with recommendations that appear for youtube and spotify to allow access to things I would enjoy. However, this also brings ads that can get annoying to hear over and over again and potential bad labels on me depending how the trends interpret what I do online. In general this big data can be good and bad for everyone. It can be good as the data will allow us to figure things out about the world and what people do. Kenneth Cukier supports this in his TED Talk, “Big Data is Better Data,” that big data if adjusted for our needs can be used to understand the world which we have never been able to do before. Big data can be used to collect much about the world in a positive way, however it needs to be adjusted to be used correctly. This means that big data has cons that need to be fixed. Big data is a method that violates privacy and people can be labeled with certain titles based on their data. Jennifer Goldbeck claims that this privacy is violated and should be a persons choice on whether or not to supply data. Goldbeck gives an example of a pregnant teen girl receiving an ad for diapers even before she has told her parents based on her data online. This example highlights that violation of privacy and she continues to explain potential solutions to the problem of big data although that means less data for collections.

One Comment

  1. Karsyn

    I agree with what you have said in this post! Our big data can be used in good ways that benefit us, but also in bad ways that don’t. It looks like you have good signal phrasing when you introduce Cukier, but not when you introduce Goldbeck. From this I know that Cukier has a TED Talk and that is where you’re getting this information from, but I have no idea who Goldbeck is. You also need to add time stamps to the parts you derived from their talks. Although a few of those things are missing, I think you did a nice job of connecting the two texts. I think both pieces make sense together, you just need a better transition!

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